from US$23.50

We are proud to announce our first single origin coffee for Cane Dog. Colombia.

Why Colombia? In 2022 we visited coffee farms in the Antioquia region in search of good coffee. During this visit to Colombia it was really noticeable how much dogs are loved and viewed as part of communities.

Every farm we visited had rescue dogs included in the daily lives in the coffee farms, welcomed and loved by the workers through out the production areas. Despite Colombia having high levels of poverty, there were no starving dogs, as they were fed and looked after.

Our green coffee partners in Colombia, Urbania are also working on social programs to protect indigenous animals in the Colombian forests while also providing small lot farmers with support to grow better coffee and earn better prices for their hard work.

So there is no better way to help support Cane Dogs at home and abroad than buying Cane Dog Colombia.

The coffee provides the classic flavour of Colombian Castillo varietal which we roast medium-dark to bring out an aroma and flavour of sweet chocolate and caramel with a long, persistent aftertaste.     

A NOTE ON OUR GROUND COFFEES: We grind our Coffees for Espresso, French Press, Moka Pot, Brewers and Pour-Overs based on industry norms for brew methods. All coffee brewing equipment may vary and it is not possible to guarantee it will be the perfect grind for your equipment. We do not exchange pre-ground coffees and recommend your purchasing a grinder for home use, which you can refine and dial in your perfect grind.

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